January 24- January 28
Bonjour mes amis,
This was week was my first week of classes. I am currently signed up for 4 classes with IES and 1 class at the university (FAC). Monday, January 24 I woke up at 9 am for my 11 am class. Now, there is a cat that roams around the neighborhood because her owners are getting older and apparently do not give her enough TLC. This cat is incredibly smart, she can open doors. So Monday morning as I was getting ready, the cat climbed upstairs, came into my bathroom with me, and hopped in the sink.
She did not bother me at all, just hoped in the sink and chilled there while I got ready. I had my French class with IES and my Marketing class. My French teacher Mme. de Pous is old school; you never show up late, forget to do your homework, or fail to participate in class, she will get you. So far we are just reviewing French grammar but she always has us reading little articles on current events. I have an awkward amount of time between my French class and Marketing class so my friend Harkiran and I went and walked around Nantes and window shopped. My marketing class is going to be interesting. The class has an international focus and we are all put into groups and have to pick a major company to research and present on at the end of the semester. My teacher, Mme. Urbain seems very nice. On Thursday, my host mom called my cell right as my professor was walking in, I tried to tell my host mom I had to go but she was insistent on chatting. After about 3 minutes I hung up and my teacher was not angry because I was speaking in French. We had soup and egg roll things for dinner on Monday night.
Tuesday, January 25 I only had one class, The European Union and France with Mme Murgier Girard at 4:15 so I slept in and met up with my friend Julia to get lunch and maybe shop a little. We found a creperie in Bouffay, a place near the center of town that has a lot of restaurants and bars, and had galettes. What is a galette you might ask? Well a galette is a savory crepe that has egg, meat, and cheese on it. There are tons of different kinds of galettes, I got a galette complet: Ham, Cheese, and Egg...delicious.
I found a cute dress for 21 euros in this little boutique and then we got a beer before class with our friend Mallory. My European Union class is supposed to be an economics class, but so far we are just being introduced to the geography of Europe and each country's demographics and geographies. I think I had soup and steak for dinner, Tuesday night but I'm not sure, it's all a blur of deliciousness.
Wednesday, January 26 I had my first course at the University, or the FAC as all the cool kids call it. I am taking History of Economics which is a License 1 class, basically a freshmen level class with 100 or so students. I met my friend Erin, who is also taking the class, at the tram stop so we could take the tram together and try to find the "Ampi Graslin". We arrived 40 minutes ahead of time and found our class room without any issues so we roamed around the economics building until class started.
The class started at 10 am, we had a break at 11:30, then started up again at 11:45 until 1 pm. The teacher spoke slowly and repeated himself a lot which was helpful. Unfortunately, all of the students in the class were talking amongst themselves throughout the entire class. It was very hard to hear the professor over the students. I could not believe how disrespectful the students were. Erin and I decided we would sit in the front row next time so we could actually understand what was going on since the class started 3 weeks before we got to Nantes. Right after class, Erin and I had to book back to IES for our 1:45 class with Mme. de Pous. After class, Harkiron, Doug, and I got a beer at this awesome little bar near Place Royale called the Royal. I went home for dinner and had some sort of fish again for dinner.
Thursday, January 27 My European Union class was cancelled so I just had "France and the United States in the Middle East from 1945 to Today: Alliances and Discrepancies " with Mme. de la Foye from 2:45 till 5:15. I know very little about the Middle East and considering whats going on in the world right now, I should really get informed. I think I am really going to enjoy this class, my professor teaches at the University in Rennes. She is very dynamic and funny but you can also tell she is very passionate about her work. I had a make up marketing class at 6 because my professor was unable to make it to class Wednesday, I had another galette complet for dinner.
Friday, January 28 last day of classes before the weekend wooo! I only have one class on Fridays and thats my French class with Mme. de Pous. My bus was late and I was 10 minutes late for class. Mme. de Pous was not pleased and said the bus was no excuse to be late. I made a big mental note not to ever be late again if I wanted to keep Mme. de Pous from kicking my butt. I was done with class by noon and just went out with some friends and ate at the kabob place for dinner before hitting up a few bars before going home.
Overall, I had a great first week and look forward to the semester ahead. I will post again soon, good luck with all the snow. Bisous