May 12
Well my friends,
The time has come to say goodbye to Nantes and my semester abroad. Even though I do not officially leave Europe for 3 more days, I will not have time or internet connection so I am deciding to write my goodbye post now. As I may have mentioned before, I love this place, it just rocks.
Yesterday was our last IES event: a dinner on the Erdre river, one of the branches of the Loire than runs through Nantes. We had 6 bottles of wine at my table for 9 people and a delicious dinner. It was a wonderful closing event.
From the first time I walked up the 3 flights of stairs to IES, I knew I had made the right decision. This semester has not only allowed me to experience different cultures, languages, and people, but also has allowed me to appreciate how much I have left to see of this planet. I have had the time of my life here and I have so many people to thank for that:
Mallory, Harkiran, Sarah, and Julia: I am so happy I found you ladies. I know that having you all as friends made this experience infinitesimally better. There is no way in hell I could ever forget any of you or all our awesome adventures. This is definitely not the end of our friendship and I can't wait to see you guys when we're back stateside!
Tyler, Sam, Doug, and Dmitri: You boys are all hilarious and made this semester very entertaining and enjoyable. We will definitely have to hang out once we're back home but I just want to thank you for being a part of the coolest semester of my college career.
Ninon, Martial, Christina, Guillaume, and Mathilde: Je vous aime avec tout mon coeur et vous me manquez déjà. Si je reviens en France, je vais vous appeler toute suite! et si vous décidez de visiter les Etats-Unis sur le côte est, vous doives rester avec moi, c'est obligatoire! Merci mes microbes et pas trop des conneries ;-)
To my host parents: you have been the most welcoming and kind people, I could not have asked for a better host family. Marie-Aude, thank you for all the delicious meals and taking a sincere interest in my life, I will miss you dearly and you will always be my French mother.
Thank you to all the other IES students, we had a great group of people and every moment I shared with you guys was filled with laughs and smiles, thank you for being my classmates this semester.
Before I start crying, just kidding, I am already tearing up, I will just say thank you. Nantes has truly been my home for the last four months and I will be so sad to say goodbye to this magnificent city. I will miss the 21/23 bus that took me to class everyday and I will miss cote plage and our other regular hot spots. This semester has meant so much to me and effected me in ways I'm sure I'm not even aware of yet. This experience has forever changed my life and I am so thankful I had to opportunity to study in this beautiful country and city.
Au Revoir France, Je t'aime toujours.