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Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Half Way Point of My French Fairy Tale

March 7- March 20
My dearest friends and family,

I am sorry I have not updated my blog in two weeks, I have had midterms and currently have a cold so had nothing that interesting to post except for studying and sneezing. My host parent's youngest son, JD, lives in Tokyo with his wife Yuko so the week before last was kind of stressful. They are both currently safe in Singapore and are staying there until the nuclear situation in Japan improves. My heart goes out to all those Japanese people. Other than midterms, I really did not do anything of interest so here are the two interesting things that have done since I last spoke with you.

La Belle Au Bois Dormant:
On Friday, March 11th, my host mother's birthday, my host family took me to see the ballet La Belle Au Bois Dormant known to anglophones as Sleeping Beauty. The St. Petersburg Ballet from Russia is doing a world tour and preformed at the Palais de Congrès in Nantes. The ballet was amazing and had an amazing orchestra. After the ballet we went out to dinner at a restaurant called le Square. I had chicken with some sort of grain- rice thingy and yummy chocolate cake for dessert.

3 Soirs Pour Trois Grandes Histoires:
Thursday, March 17 I went with my French class to see an Algerian storyteller. The performance was one middle-aged woman with curly, crazy black hair and green eyes. She was very animated and had an amazing singing voice. She was very expressive and acted out each of the characters with a mix of Arab and French. The first story she told us was about a 15 year old girl, Yunja, who gets adopted by this ogre witch lady. One day, a hunter stumbles upon Yunja and falls in love with her and they have to run away because Yunja's mom eats people and ya bad news bears. The story goes on and on and mixed into another story which I did not really understand. The last story however, was about a woman who farts, gets banished from her house, runs away to the forest, meets an old lady who takes her to the fart queen who lives in the fart kingdom. The queen gives the woman her fart back and tells her to open it (the fart is in some kind of container) at her house with all the windows and doors closed. The woman obeys and when she opens the container it is filled with gold and she immediately becomes rich. Her neighbor tries to copy her but ends up releasing all the farts of the world in her house. Yay Algeria and their toilet humor. 

That is really all I have to update on, I went on a walk today, Sunday, March 20 and took some pictures of the river a few minutes from my house. Here are some of the pictures and I will update again once I have something interesting to write about.
Japanese Garden

View of the River

House Boat

St. Donatien

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