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Friday, June 28, 2013

Adventures Outside Sainte-Maxime

Friday, June 28, 2013

Mes amis,

I know I wrote a blog post quite recently (yesterday, oops) but I feel the need to update everyone on my activities here in the French Riviera. Tomorrow I leave this beautiful place and head up to Nantes to see old friends and relive my study abroad experience. 

Anyways, yesterday we took a trip to Grimaud, an adorable town up in the mountains outside of Saint Tropez. After my dad almost killed himself trying to do a three point turn on the hillside, we climbed up to the Chateau Grimaud which had spectacular views.
Chateau Grimaud 

View from the Chateau 
Le Chateau

More Remains

After the chateau and its wonderful 360 views of the area and the French Riviera, we headed off to a local winery, Chateau Saint Marc, which was definitely off the beaten path. It was one French guy (with an adorable 10 month old puppy) who spoke no English but did make some pretty good Rosé wine. We bought some bottles from le monsieur and headed off to get dinner in Port Grimaud which was a little like going to Disney World but with bigger boats. It was cute, but definitely very touristy. Jennie and I ate dinner at this cute little place that had amazing food, my parents sat 6 tables away from us at another restaurant oblivious to our existence. After dinner we headed home to rest up for a day in St. Tropez. 
Me, Dad, and Wine

Adorable Puppy at Vineyard

A sculpture and Some Vines

Port Grimaud

Today, Friday, we woke up and took the water taxi over to Saint Tropez. It was perfect weather (as it has been all week) and we got to see some pretty amazing yachts in harbor and at the docks. It is pretty amazing how many enormous boats there are out there. Anywho, we got to St Tropez and immediately had a drink at this great little bar. I had a mojito that was DELICIOUS, all of the ingredients were fresh and the drink was not too sweet. After getting our buzz on, we went shopping (obviously) and I got a very cute pair of Long Champ shoes and great painting of boats. We ate a delicious lunch at Le Cafe, a restaurant in the Place de Lices. I had some sort of ravioli with a basil creme sauce yummm! After some more post lunch perusing, we headed back to Sainte-Maxime to unwind, pack, and eat one last dinner in paradise. I have loved every moment of my week here in the south of France, I am not gonna lie, I'm sad to say, "au revoir" but I am sure I will be back (hopefully sooner rather than later). The weather has been perfect and the food, delicious, I cannot wait to come back again! Until next time, Sainte-Maxime, A bientot! 
Beautiful Yacht on the Way into Saint Tropez

St. Tropez

Yachts in St Tropez

Delicious St Tropez Cocktails

Our Last Meal in Sainte Maxime and the Best Omelet I've ever Had!
Bises XX


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Je Reviens!

Thursday, June 27, 2013. 

Ladies and Gentlemen...Madames et Messieurs...I'm back!!!!!

It's been two years but I finally made it back to my favorite country outside the USA, France! I cannot express in words how happy I am to back here, it's been way too long.

I'm here for two weeks with my friend Jennie and my parents. This week (6/22-6/29) we are staying in Ste. Maxime, an adorable little town right next to St. Tropez! We walked into the apartment on Saturday afternoon to this view.


So yes, success! It has been amazing week of sitting by the pool and eating delicous food (mostly bread and cheese). 

Tuesday, we went to the beach which was beautiful, but Jennie and I almost got attacked by jellyfish (les medussssses!) and barely escaped being stung.  Yesterday, Jennie and I cooked a tarte aux tomates and thankfully it was delicious!

Anyways, here are some pictures of food and stuff, this blog post isn't that interesting but I figure the pictures can talk about my trip better than my words can. On Saturday, Jennie and I are headed to Nantes for 4 days and then Paris!


bisous Katie