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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Je Reviens!

Thursday, June 27, 2013. 

Ladies and Gentlemen...Madames et Messieurs...I'm back!!!!!

It's been two years but I finally made it back to my favorite country outside the USA, France! I cannot express in words how happy I am to back here, it's been way too long.

I'm here for two weeks with my friend Jennie and my parents. This week (6/22-6/29) we are staying in Ste. Maxime, an adorable little town right next to St. Tropez! We walked into the apartment on Saturday afternoon to this view.


So yes, success! It has been amazing week of sitting by the pool and eating delicous food (mostly bread and cheese). 

Tuesday, we went to the beach which was beautiful, but Jennie and I almost got attacked by jellyfish (les medussssses!) and barely escaped being stung.  Yesterday, Jennie and I cooked a tarte aux tomates and thankfully it was delicious!

Anyways, here are some pictures of food and stuff, this blog post isn't that interesting but I figure the pictures can talk about my trip better than my words can. On Saturday, Jennie and I are headed to Nantes for 4 days and then Paris!


bisous Katie

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